Maniucha Bikont - Coming clean (Porządki)

Maniucha Bikont - Coming clean (Porządki)

  • 20
    marca 2025 (czwartek)
Miejskie Centrum KulturyBydgoszcz, Marcinkowskiego 12-14

Based on her field recordings, Bikont re-tells old stories. The title Porządki (Coming clean) refers to everyday life, clearing darkstories from school hallways, and showing a personal perspective on the waracross the eastern border.

The author of the lyrics is Marcin Wicha – graphic designer, author of books (including Things I Didn’t Throw Out awarded The Nike Literary Award). The arrangements were created in collaboration with Assaf Talmudi, producer and instrumentalist of the punk, folk, jazz and pop scene.


Maniucha Bikont, Assaf Talmudi


Marcin Wicha


Maniucha Bikont  – vocal, drums, tuba, triangle

Assaf Talmudi – accordeon, synth, computer, backing vocals

Szczepan Pospieszalski – trumpet, synth, backing vocals

Ksawery Wójciński  – violin, backing vocals

Źródło: Miejskie Centrum Kultury w Bydgoszczy